
04 July 2008

Happy Fourth and random musings

We must hang together, gentlemen...else, we shall most assuredly hang separately.
-Benjamin Franklin

What a long strange trip it's been, Funny Cide won his last race a year ago. The "gutsy gelding" had slowed down in his old age and was just not competitive in the graded stakes so they carded a race just for him and he obliged by winning. In the linked article to The Horse, there is a line in there by Smullen about how she and Funny are in charge of forty horses. I know Smullen and Tagg are a team and I don't know how many horses Tagg has but if it is only forty then my hat is off to the man. In this day when "executive trainers" have 200+ horses scattered about the country, it is ludicrous to think that they actually look after each and every horse on a daily basis. That is another rant however.

Lyin' Heart runs tomorrow in the Bashford Manor GIII. I'm stuck out here in Telluride with no OTB or anything to watch the races so hopefully will show it in their recap.

I wonder how much Ellis Park would sell for? Buy it and run it like a non-profit at first. Maybe if someone did something like that and showed that it could card competitive racing and provide horsemen with equitable revenue sharing, then more tracks would be willing to...NAH, nevermind.

The polls have closed on how I could improve this blog. While I paid at least fifteen people to vote on the thing I only received eleven responses and two of those suggested that I delete it. The way I see it, six people stiffed me. Most votes indicated that the template and color scheme needed to be changed. I like the template and the blog, my rules.

Thanks to those who voted and happy Fourth.

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The Bid

The Bid
Greatest horse ever to look through a bridle