
08 February 2009

Transparency...who knew? Bleg

Does any racing jurisdiction in the U.S. do anything like this? (HT to Dubairacenight)


Gene Kershner said...

The closest I can come up with is Tampa Bay.

Anonymous said...

And Tampa only began posting those reports at the start of the current meet (for which I praise them). I once asked a track official about doing something similar in New York and he reacted with great skepticism, said something about opening the stewards up to lawsuits. In another conversation about transparency, the person I was talking to was surprised horseplayers would even be interested in detailed stewards' notes, said he didn't think there was demand. Both were well-meaning, but sadly, clueless.

The Turk said...

I am very impressed by these Steward Reports. It would be nice to see such transparancy at our tracks. I didn't realize Tampa had started.

G. Rarick said...

You should have a look at the stuff from Hong Kong. They take transparency to new levels. Not only are the steward's reports like that, but you can also seen a horse's complete vet file, and everything about every horse is online at I repeat what I have said before: Hong Kong is the cleanest, most transparent racing jurisdiction in the world. (Also has the lowest breakdown rates.)

Amateurcapper said...

It really makes you wonder whether playing the game in the U.S. is worth it. I'm prone to mistakes handicapping...the variables that we're left to compensate for in addition to the track take is just too much at times.

The Bid

The Bid
Greatest horse ever to look through a bridle