
28 January 2009

Illinois Soaps

Like shit through a tin horn, so are the days of our lost and useless lives.

Apparently unsatisfied with a .98 winning percentage, Frank C. Calabrese, of Dreaming of Anna and Lewis Michael fame, has fired Wayne Catalano, yet again.

How one manages to win every single title available in Illinois for eight out of ten years, and lose $2 million dollars in the bargain, is beyond me.

By several accounts, Calabrese and Catalano never liked each other, and Calabrese describes Catalano as having character flaws. Poor bastard, good thing I don't have any of those.

Rod Blagojevich, the epitome of character flaw, rogered the Illinois race tracks, but good. Just so you don't think we only claim presidents born out of state as our own, Illinois can breed a scumbag just like the rest of you.

1 comment:

Chalk Eating Weasel said...

I was noticing this past Saturday that Catalano wasn't training Calabrese's horses and wondering what's up. Guess I should pay more attention to the news. But I'm always so busy handicapping, I don't have for the daily soaps

The Bid

The Bid
Greatest horse ever to look through a bridle