
12 September 2008

NTRA, This is your life

"Although it could mean increased profits for the race tracks, off-course betting would inevitably subordinate racing and bring on an adverse public reaction which would kill a traditionally great sport and an economically significant industry."
-John A. Morris Thoroughbred Racing Association
27 August 1953

March 27, 1997 - A group of Thoroughbred organizations, including The Jockey Club, Breeders' Cup Ltd., Keeneland Association and Oak Tree Racing Association, announced it would undertake a joint planning process to create a national coordination and marketing structure for Thoroughbred racing.

This definitely shows progress.

Say no to drug...testing.

Oh no we won't...well maybe.

Knee-jerking foreshadowed.

Arranged marriage.

Everything old is new again.

1 comment:

Superfecta said...

I can do a really snazzy tap dance to 'Everything Old Is New Again' - I am available for weddings, bar mitzvahs, etc....

The Bid

The Bid
Greatest horse ever to look through a bridle