
22 August 2008


Bambi was my favorite movie when I was eight. I used to watch it over and over again and drove my parents mad; they had to replace the tape (betamax-we were so cutting edge) and our rewinder because I wore them out.

Aside from Bambi's mother getting killed (what sort of twisted story developers did they hire back then anyway?), the scene I remember most is the one where Thumper clears his throat and says, 'If you can't say something nice...don't say nothing at all'.

Recently, I have been somewhat zealous in my commentary towards Iavarone and Waldrop; I'm good with that, they are after all, wankers. What got me thinking about Thumper though was a recent exchange I had in the comments on Superfecta's latest post.

She was asking for ideas that the new marketing summit members might take with them to Vegas and in a deluded moment of wit, I took a cheap shot at one of the posts. The suggestion itself was pretty damn good. I didn't hear Thumper clearing his throat until I hit the Publish Comment button.

I was quickly and adroitly cyberspanked.

So in that vein I have decided to turn over a new binary code. No more disparaging remarks about Mr. Waldrop and Mr. Iavarone. No more nasty comments about the industry leadership. What loads from these bits and bytes henceforth will be nothing but positive and uplifting commentary. Shiny, happy people and all that.

I make it 6 to 5 that it is less than a week until I rip into Assbag and The Imbecile...Dammit.

Starting now!


Brooklyn Backstretch said...

Wow...Saratoga's had a greater effect on you than I could have possibly imagined...

SaratogaSpa said...

what's a binary code? is that like a stat in the form thingy you told us all to read.

John said...

Being the astute judge of character that you obviously are, you should refrain from factoring the opinions of lesser mortals into your conclusions. Your blogging might suffer and I can't stand the thought of that.

Your impressions of the two sirs are not off the mark, especially Mr Iavarone.

BTW, I am still laughing at "Do you have anything in a walkover?"

Wind Gatherer said...

Brooklyn-It must be the water.

Saratoga-I must have been channeling Gordon Moore, I have no idea what I'm writing about.

John-Yeah, it's going to hurt trying to be positive for a whole week.

Thanks all, for reading.

The Bid

The Bid
Greatest horse ever to look through a bridle