
03 September 2008

Situational awareness

Far Side-Gary Larson
(Without permission)

Pilots are not the most imaginative beings out there. All that regulation and slavish adherence to checklists and safety has to suck the life right out of you. They watch Fox News and you CANNOT, as a rule, get them to talk about anything other than aviation.

They try to throw you off by wearing leather jackets but it is only to cover up their pocket protectors and you have to ask yourself how 'with it' they really are when they coined the phrase 'Fat, dumb and happy'.

Another expression they like to use a lot is 'situational awareness'. I guess when you are clueless most of the time you need some sort of buzzword to make the public feel like you know what the hell is going on.

With that in mind, I thought I would take a moment to assess our own situational awareness within the horse racing industry. This list is by no means comprehensive or even accurate but it is as much as I feel inclined to do, seeing how I too am Fat, dumb and happy.

  1. The game, entirely dependent on fans, is going to great lengths to turn those same fans away.
  2. A sport so rich in tradition and glory, is shackled by an inept and oblivious marketing branch, making the task of attracting new fans, unlikely.
  3. The horses, the product, are treated like disposable tissues by "licensed" individuals who have nothing to lose by skirting, what are laughably referred to as, the rules.
  4. The dysfunctional governing structure and prohibitive cost of ownership is causing owners, responsible for the product, to abandon the proverbial ship faster than Congress awards itself a pay raise.
  5. Too many interests at the proverbial table, each scraping for whatever crumbs they can get, cannot take this game in the direction it needs to go. Too much bloated weight at the top for too long has driven the stakes too deep.
  6. New blood, genuinely concerned for the future of the game, is kept out by jealous and tired hacks.
  7. Too many tracks, too much racing chasing too few crowds. You don't get more people to enjoy whisky by diluting it. It is an acquired taste and once it is acquired you can get people to pay ridiculous amounts for it. Trust me.
So that is a snapshot as to where we are. Not a good one but what the hell.

There is hope, there is always hope. The internet is a wonderful medium and instant information all the time makes it harder for the SOB's in power to keep their Machiavellian-lite machinations under wraps. We press on as best we can with what we have and strive for that ever elusive goal of sublimity.

That is what we must do. Go get heard.

Because, at speed, the first ting to go through your head when you see that goat, is not a question; it's your ass.


Anonymous said...

Such excellent writing but that's the LAST time I'm gonna compliment you on the obvious.

I wanna read more about the pilot, the private, where'd ya file it?

I know a few racing marketers who work their butts off; it's trickier than you think. They mean well. But I like them personally and I'm not gonna name names so ignore me.

Your blog is really a cool contribution. Thanks so much, Captain (what do pilots REALLY like to be called, other than sober and accurate?).

Btw: Horses and pilots are both applauded when they land home safely in fast time. (Doesn't quite work, but that's my specialty.)

No peeking at the Form in your lap during descent.

Do you remember the 1978 champion juvenile filly It's in the Air? (Mr. Prospector-WInd is Rising)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the SAFC links, WNR.

It's weird, but I feel really optimistic about racing's future right now. Things are going to open up, things are going to change. The sport we love has a chance.

Anonymous said...

Excellent post as usual.

BTW...Any Bartman sightings in Chi-town? It's getting to be that time of year...

Anonymous said...

Yes... excellent as always + thx for the SAFC links and ongoing contributions!

Total aside, my dad was a commercial pilot! You could get him to talk about a lot more than aviation... namely women, football, the stock market and playing pranks on his buddies (in that order). So, who's the pilot in your family captain? Over and out.

SaratogaSpa said...

To point # 7-Make it Point # 1

Less is More, Less is More

Over and Out Roger

Wind Gatherer said...

Ernie-I am sure there are numerous people in the industry who are nothing if not devoted. No pilot worth his salt has nothing to complain about, no matter how good things are.

Jessica-'There will always be an England' long as people like you are around.

Geno-You already whammied me on your contest. Have pity on a poor soul. (Picture Shatner yelling Khan.)

Dana-Unfortunately, that is me. Much like anything else, his days were the glory years.


Thanks all for reading

The Bid

The Bid
Greatest horse ever to look through a bridle